This Friday we'll be back to the Dark Moon phase in our monthly cycle, a time to slow down and look back and around and deeper and take time to catch the wave of Leo, to use it for insights and inspiration.
From astrology's view the Moon and the Sun will be in a hidden embrace (conjunction). That explains the slow-down, the dark aspect we experience. It gives us a time-out that offers perspective and an opportunity to re-set our good intentions for ourselves.
To make the most of this time we can try on the energy of Leo and see how it fits. The art above is a card image from years ago I named "Leo, Let Your Light Shine." The nude in the collage is a creation of Matisse and for me symbolizes self-esteem/self-love. The sign Leo is ruled by the Sun, our most positive zodiac planet, the one that literally gives life and thus defines our essential, true self.
The energy of Leo is big, often romantic, creative, generous, warm, authoritative, active and full of confidence. And all this arises from the deeper layers of ourselves, the source, the soul self that Leo energy seems to channel more easily than other signs. So when we embody the phrase, "whole heart," we are feeling this. When we are feeling the urge to "be all we can be" we are feeling this energy and it drives creativity and generosity and love.
It just so happens that the planet Venus, ruler of all things beautiful, seeker of love and harmony and the urge for partnership is also part of the story, positioned a couple of degrees away from the Sun/Moon conjunction. So when you open your mind to possibilities for New Moon intentions it would be good to include this important realm.
Just to be more precise I'll add that Venus is now in retrograde motion and that will continue until the beginning of September. Any time a planet is retrograde its energy becomes more introverted, more self-analyzing. So this is not likely a time for planning a wedding, for instance. Still, the topic of love is on the table. You may find yourself discovering nooks and crannies of love inspired insights and attitudes that you would normally miss. Or you can just take the "Be the love you're seeking" approach.
There is another interesting, and worth mentioning, aspect to our New Moon conjunction, a trine to Uranus. This planet will always open the doors of inspiration and information that are "out of the box," so don't be surprised if you suddenly see what was a problem become a new insight leading you off in a different direction. It asks you to trust your gut instincts. Since this trine aspect is the most positive and helpful of all aspects I might add that Uranus can also offer support when sudden or large changes are happening (always a possibility when Uranus is active). So this is not a bad time to acknowledge that this kind of support is available and tap into it if needed.
Well, the good times of the Sun in Leo's dominance will end starting August 23rd when the Sun enters Virgo. This can feel like an unwelcome shift of energies we associate with the end of Summer and the transition into Fall. But it brings the time of harvest, the fruits of our labor, a rich and celebratory phase in the yearly cycle.
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In Love, Kate
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