Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kate's New Moon Blog-- Gemini

Our June New Moon this year falls on the16th, this Tuesday. That will take us within 5 days of the Summer Solstice on the 21st, a week from today, a Sunday. It sounds like an important series of astrological events. The Gemini New Moon will offer a wide array of opportunities for optimistic action, and the longest day of light calls for appreciation and celebration of everyone's favorite season.

But don't wait until Tuesday to notice it's a New Moon. Remember that New Moons are an important and powerful time in the Moon's monthly cycle. These things don't just happen, pop, and then they're done. This is a phase and can last three or four days if you have the interest to focus your awareness there. It's a time to slow down, to be reflective, to check in with spirit, to ask questions of yourself and set intentions from a new starting place of thoughtfulness.

When our inner awareness and our intentions align with the astrological energy of the New Moon they are assisted toward expansion. I try to help with that. And so we take a look at Gemini's stunning attributes. It's an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury, known for its association with the mind. Gemini Sun people are generally smart and quick of mind. Not only that but they are genuinely interested in other people, among lots of other things. They are good communicators, but also good listeners. Gemini is a Mutable Mode sign like Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo. In all these signs you can witness a willingness to be flexible and understanding in their relationships with others. They find pleasure in being of service.

In the chart for this New Moon the planet Mars is located very close to the Sun/Moon conjunction. Because Mars really likes to take positive action this combination sets a stage for us to consider going off on our own path of choice and make our dreams a reality. Now that sounds auspicious! And to add to the mix the planet Mercury just turned direct so now we can all think more clearly.We've had time to absorb what our inner minds have stirred up during the period Mercury was retrograde. So it's really a perfect time to jump into something you want to try, something you've been wanting, feeling passionate about. You may feel yourself willing to step up to a position of leadership or be more honest, more open, in your communication with close people, be more authentically yourself.

Meanwhile the planet Venus is in the sign Leo. This started the 5th of June and continues until July 18. This energy turns us all into potential romantics. We feel the need to love and be loved. We have more than ordinary longing to share, to connect and to be creative. This situation has characteristics of the romantic phase of love where you feel validated by an attentive, adoring "other." During this time we can, at times, feel the wildly hopeful sense of self we experienced as young children. With this kind of energy flying around it might be a good time to be generous with compliments and praise offered to deserving friends and loved ones, time to let them know they are appreciated.

So lets take a look at the upcoming Summer Solstice June 21st, next Sunday. Well, all the solstices and equinoxes are best experienced in a ritual way and each have their own traditions. The exact time here in EDT is 12:38 PM, so mid-day. I imagine that at that time the Sun would be overhead? On this day the Sun reaches its full "high" position and we in the North have our longest hours of daylight. Solstice is the latin word for "Sun Stands Still."

There is no better symbol than this moment for a celebration of the fullness of human life, the love we so cherish and hope for, the love that is our birthright, our own Divine Soul self, our sense of belonging. And so the traditional rituals are about the goodness in life, about love in all its aspects, its warmth, its joy so far as this is known and felt and expressed socially. There is no better time in the yearly cycle to envision having a love partner, so I would recommend letting the universe know this is your desire.

In the chart for the Solstice we find a trine between Jupiter and Uranus. This could be considered a lucky aspect if you are looking for some kind of positive sign. Another interpretation would be that this combination of energies opens up our spiritual beliefs to new ways of seeing, more unconventional approaches perhaps. It can accelerate our desire to act from our authentic self.

And I'll add that I checked and Uranus and Pluto are still in their rebellious square aspect but Uranus is currently moving away from Pluto. On the New Moon chart it is at 19 degrees and by the Solstice it will be at 20 degrees. As I've mentioned before, this relationship, which has been there for years is going to end this winter, just before we reach 2016. We will always look back on this time, the intensity that led up to 2012, the sense we had of time's acceleration and the movement toward big changes, of vibrational fields, of climate, masses of people waking up to new awareness.

No doubt the unfolding, the unveiling will continue, with or without the Uranus/Pluto square.

For now let's celebrate Summer and honor the heart's desire.


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