Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Equinox 2015

Starting now we can begin to use the word, "Spring," with some conviction. This post will investigate it from an astrological point of view. March 20th is the target date. Here we see the drama of the Moon and the Sun finding the same last degree of Pisces at the same time. This is the New Moon event which normally is the only focus of this blog.

It's helpful to see any New Moon in a larger context. It's a kind of a monthly opening, a kind of portal where things energetically slow down, at least in regard to the pace of everyday life. It's the best time to give yourself permission to slow down and take advantage of our expanded ability to focus inwardly, to hear our inner voice, to know and align with our truth.

We look to the astrological sign of this special time for clues to guide us toward the issues that will naturally come up. This time it's 29 degrees Pisces, an emotion-based Water sign.But by later in the same day we have the dawning of the Spring Equinox, when the sign Aries takes the place of Pisces on stage and causes a big shift in the energy, an urge for action sparked by the Fire element. This dramatic shift from winter to spring inspires all of us to take action on things we've had on our list but haven't got around to.

At about the same time as the New Moon there is a Total Solar Eclipse. This will only be visible in the far northern Hemisphere. There will be another eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse, on April 4th. As I've mentioned before, eclipses are associated with endings and new beginnings. If you've been looking for a time to make a big change an eclipse will support you.

I chose the Soul Speak Oracle Card #32, "Strength" for this blog. It says: "I speak for the Tarot's Strength card. I symbolize the ability to go within and find the courage to overcome fear and doubt. I speak for the inner silent and still place at each person's core that cannot be threatened. From this place we can toss away the need for excuses, roles, masks and defenses. Affirmation: As I allow Spirit to move through me I can acknowledge and release fears."

So with all this going on this has to be the optimum time in the yearly cycle to step out of our self-imposed limits and embrace our highest potential, the urge to "be all we can be," to "let out light shine."

And remember our old friend the Uranus / Pluto square? It's been around since 2012 urging us on to make the changes that we feel are correct for us, however revolutionary. In the chart for the Spring Equinox Pluto and Uranus are in an exact square at 15 degrees (in Aries and Capricorn). Mars is conjunct Uranus today and this continues up to the time of the Equinox. This adds an element of personal urgency and can be useful for busting log jams of any sort. Now's the time to initiate new projects, efforts, and take new directions, if there ever was one. This is potentially a time of powerful change for us all.

From this time onward we will be seeing the ending of the Uranus/Pluto square. It seems to me it  has helped us break up a kind of passivity in our world view. We've learned that we have to take charge of our own vision of how life on planet Earth should/could be and act like we mean it, so far as we are individually able. We have learned to expand our awareness of what is going on, to not be afraid to look into the darker corners of ourselves and the world we live in. We've come to realize "we are the change we want to see." It's been a kind of growing up process.

Don't be surprised if the energy and the changes you make related to this time period, the progress, the new beginnings, extend confidently into the near future because of the eclipses.

Happy Spring, at last!

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