Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Friday, December 19, 2014

December New Moon in Capricorn, Sunday 21, 2014

Welcome to the ending and the beginning moment of our yearly cycle--the Winter Equinox and December's New Moon happening within hours of one another Sunday, the 21st.

We're all familiar with the practice of making New Year resolutions on January 1st. Thanks to the powerful "get it together" energy of Capricorn this New Moon is the best time of the year to take time to figure out what it is you are seriously ready to change or upgrade in yourself. The 21st is a perfect day to ritualize the end of the dominance of the dark time and the birth of increasing light. Many cultures have such traditional meetings and they usually involve lighting fires and making new intentions.

The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, known in astrology circles as a task-master. We have come to fear Saturn transits as they can test us in uncomfortable ways. But the goal of Saturn is always to trim down on confusion and the influence of outside forces, to help us see more clearly what is correct for ourselves. Keep in mind that Capricorn energy takes seriously consideration of who we are in the "real world." If we're not happy with our status, our feeling about how we are perceived by others, this is the perfect time to take a look at getting to the bottom of that concern. We all have an image of ourselves we like to project out into the public sphere, call it a persona. Are we overly concerned about the impression we make on others? are we working too much to prove our competence and willingness to be responsible?

Wherever on your chart this zero degree Capricorn energy falls, the House placement should offer clues about where the focus will show up. In my case it catches the end of House #11, the House of Friends and Wishes. A focus on this house is always a reminder that you are your own creator (wishes) of your life. It's good to trust your desires and enthusiasms and remind yourself that your like-minded friends often turn up in your life just when you need help to make your dreams come true. Am I treating my friends well, do I remember to communicate my appreciation and respect?

This powerful New Moon energy time, a loosely 3-day period before, during and after the exact time (8:36 PM EST) makes for a "dark soil"for seed planting. It feels natural to slow down and be reflective about ourselves. As we come up with insights for making intentions they are strengthened by how they connect with the astrological energy flowing at that time, that of the sign of the New Moon's conjunction of the Sun and the Moon.

Further exploration of Saturn and its sign, Capricorn, shows us it's ideal for this time of making resolutions. It helps support you when you need a boost of discipline, patience and/or responsibility. So if you're feeling sparked to let go of spending time and energy on wasteful things like addictions, negative people or personal habits this is the best possible moment of the year. It may help to know that this is a great time for organizing and tasks that require concentration.

The art for this month comes from my Soul Speak Oracle Card #14 - Capricorn. The affirmation says: I trust that Saturn's practical energy can help keep me grounded. I don't look for ways to skip steps.

I regret last month's lack of a New Moon blog from me. The internet connection in the house I live in was not working for about three weeks. Naturally it was a trying time for all. Hopefully with this New Moon we will be returning to the joy and satisfaction of the organization we associate with computer connection.

Happy New Moon!


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