Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 8 New Moon--Gemini

This Saturday presents an opportunity for us all to set the bar higher when it comes to our style of communication. This month's Sun/Moon conjunction occurs in the 18th degree of Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT. 

The Sun will remain in Gemini until the Summer Solstice on June 21st. That gives us a couple more weeks of the Gemini mood that includes sociability, curiosity and an enhanced awareness of our options. 

The name of this collage, one of my first, is the Queen of Paradox. This ancient Goddess figure is known as a bird Goddess because there are figures of two birds on her head. The sign Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and so associated with birds, themselves a symbol of communication, especially between the "sky gods" and earthlings. Because of its being a double sign (like Pisces and Libra) the idea of opposites or duality/paradox is strong in Gemini. More than any other sign, they are comfortable with the dualistic world of the mind and don't trip over "black and white" fixed concepts as much as others. So during this Gemini Sun period there is an opening for us all to see things in a more open minded and inclusive way. 

One thing I always prize about an embrace of astrology is that it helps build imagination for the amazing contradictions in ourselves and others, and the great contrasts among people when it comes to motivations, attitudes, and a sense of purpose and values. It can be fruitful to take the time to see where this month's New Moon falls in your chart. The activities of this house can be highlighted and strengthened by new intentions. For me the focus of 18 Gemini falls in my 3rd, Gemini's natural house. So I will use this opportunity to reframe how I communicate with others. I want people to feel my open heartedness more.

The chart for the New Moon has a powerful focus on the planet Venus, which symbolizes our ability to harmonize with others to the degree that meets our own desires and needs while satisfying those of others simultaneously. Venus is part of a Water Grand Trine with Saturn and Neptune, a very positive configuration which offers both a good sense of personal freedom and romantic feelings. In another part of the chart there is a Cardinal T-Square involving the ever-present Pluto square Uranus and Venus. Here things could become a bit more intense. Strong Plutonian (instinctual) emotions can come into play and any lack of personal recognition or respect of oneself could be taken negatively.

Something of interest to note is that Mercury is in Cancer now until August 8th. This makes it more difficult for any of us to be objective. Cancer energy longs for personal comfort and safety and is very emotion-based. This energy takes us all to a deeper, more instinctual level in ourselves. Our thoughts are colored by our emotions more than usual. 

With Venus in Cancer as well we tend toward self-protective, cautious ways of acting. Our fears of rejection could be more easily triggered from now until June 27th.  For some this may appear as a more nurturing and sympathetic attitude toward loved ones.

Until next New Moon,



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