Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Moon June 19th in Gemini

 June's New Moon caught the tail end of Gemini at 28 degrees. Also in Gemini, but in earlier degrees we find Jupiter and Venus. So that makes for a kind of Gemini effect that will continue on through the interesting activities of Jupiter and Venus. On the 20th we have the first day of Summer, as the Sun moves from Gemini into the sign Cancer--the Summer Solstice. 

What a difference a day makes. People born under the sign Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury are curious and adventurous thinkers, friendly and flexible types that are generally easy to be around, especially if you like to talk as much as they do. 

Cancers, on the other hand are ruled by the Moon. Here come the emotions, the hidden insecurity, the longing for something that feels like HOME. They are the nurturers who need to be needed. Ultimately they find peace in their own hidden depths and connection to all of life. This quest can be a lifelong journey. I speak of Cancer because we're heading into a month of the Sun in Cancer and this change affects the "mood" of all of us.

As always I remind myself and my readers of this New Moon as a time to set intention, to reflect on what might be up for you now. I operate on the theory that if we know the day of the New Moon and have our astrology charts handy we can see how the two line up. I believe this energetic correspondence helps zero in on things you can most easily see and address for change.

Gemini is associated with the nervous system, the mind (especially the monkey mind), the solar plexus, the arms, ankles and hands. It's associated with dexterity, flexibility (both mental and physical), learning and connecting (rules tech devices for communication). Perhaps just this list of attributes will spark you to notice something that you'd like to see more of or less of. The relationship between the mind and the nervous system is worth a look. When our thoughts invite negative emotions on any regular basis this can affect the nervous system and the immune system, which connects to it. This can be a weakness for Gemini types, especially if other factors in the chart support it.

For this New Moon I'd go so far as to suggest making a list of issues and then choosing something to make your focus. Then create a positive affirmation that expresses your New Moon intent. This is a good time to start a class, to expand your world of experience. Something "hands-on" comes to mind.

So lets track back to Venus in Gemini. It went retrograde May 15 and will go direct on June 27. This retrograde period of Venus has helped us to turn inward when it comes to our thoughts/desires about love and harmony. Perhaps we've noted we're taking more responsibility for our love longings and found a found better balance with more independence? Since Venus is connected to money it seems logical that in a retrograde period there might be less of it available, especially for things that bring us pleasure. On August 11th Venus will enter Cancer with no retrograde, a different energy. 

Jupiter in Gemini began June 12th and runs until June 27, 2013. I think this will accentuate all the Gemini attributes I've mentioned, continuing a Gemini theme for the next year. Optimistic thinking would be encouraged by this combination and I can't think of a better time for more of that. Communication in general could be affected. Maybe lots of new tech gadgets or an increase in psychic or telepathic transfer of information?

My collage for this New Moon speaks to the positive mental side of Gemini. If there's too much mental confusion and garbage meditative stillness can always improve one's centering. The site of Machu Picchu in the background is a reminder of all the amazing things the human mind is capable of inventing or even channeling. Through the mind we can participate in Divine Co-Creation, invent solutions, speak our truth, explore new possibilities/understandings--all positives.

And we can all spend more time in the outdoors now letting nature speak to our Souls, refresh our spirits, expand our appreciation of life on this amazing planet Earth.

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