Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring's Opening Gun

You don't need to see the chart for the 2011 Spring Equinox to suspect it's going to mirror some of the current drama being felt around the planet. I write this under the sway of today's Full Moon taking place at the very end of the Pisces Sun period. It's another warm, windy and dry day, hinting at a drought for our state (NM) in the making. Meanwhile the world watches Japan in horror and fear.

Yes, the Spring Equinox is a "new dawn, a new day, a new beginning." It's the annual equivalent of a New Moon. We have been tying up our loose ends, trying to bring our wounds into the light of awareness for healing, attempting to study and transform old patterns. This was our winter assignment and while hard work it still was relatively quiet, inner work.

Starting tomorrow the drums will begin to beat and while the way may not seem always clear the call to action will begin and it will get loud. If we are not sure who we are and what we intend there will be others quick to offer their agenda. And often the clarity offered will be, not so much what they are for, but what they are against. I would suggest that to be aligned with universal laws it's best to know what you're FOR and let your actions speak from that place.

As the Sun rolls into Aries tomorrow it joins Uranus, newly moved from years in Pisces to Aries. This combination, symbolically speaking, of a Sun/Uranus conjunction in the sign Aries is very HOT. It's got the fire of Mars, the urge to action of Mars combined with two very strong-willed and confident energies, the Sun and Uranus. Uranus adds even more fuel to the fire because it rules sudden and violent change, such as earthquakes and other natural disasters.

There is a cluster of four major planets in Aries in the Equinox chart, including, as mentioned, the Sun. Mars is poised to join them and by the New Moon of April 3 will be conjunct Uranus. On that day even the Moon will be in Aries, making for a combination of 6 planets. Intentions should be bursting forth all over the place and it's not likely everyone will be on the same page, however we will all be on the same planet.

During this general period we find Saturn and Jupiter opposing. This symbolizes a major conflict between the past and the future. Assumptions and paradigms that drove the past suddenly are open to evaluation and questions. However the tense relationship makes it difficult for the new ideas to fruit quickly, as they carry drag from the inertia of the past. So while it may feel easier to see what needs changing it's trickier to implement new plans than it might seem. Still the course is set toward the better idea, but slow progress may lead to frustration and negativity.

At no time in the yearly cycle is it more important to set your intentions. The Universe is all ears on the first day of Spring. Dig deep and pull out your wildest dream, you deepest passion, an area where you have compromised in the past. Do not hold back. Let your heart speak, give wings to your dreams (to be all you can be).

On a personal note I see my collage is mysterious but it somehow translates for my intention-setting. I've made sure there is heat and movement in it. The form of the pomegranate cracking open, spilling its red seeds is pregnant with possibility for opening, for change. The woman's feet are inside it. This is her base, this red squishy mush of seeds, her rich creative potential. Atop her head, coming from above are tulip petals shaped like flames. Her head is connected to their messages, signifying inspiration, not ego. She is naked and her hands are indicating a kind of helpless gesture of openness. This seems fitting for the first day of the new cycle. She, like Inanna, arrives without her clothes, her past. The time of day, indicated by the warm colors of a sunset, symbolize a blurring of the known with the unknown, a magical time of transition.

My entire life I have been a believer in magic and tomorrow I will pile on all the strongest, truest desires, from the deepest places in myself I can find. And I will make my vision as inclusive as I can muster. Let there be a consciousness of Oneness, not separation, and Compassion, not greed.

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