Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Monday, April 12, 2010

We're all looking at a new chance to re-set our intentions this Wednesday, the 14th, with an Aries New Moon at 25 degrees (5:29 am PDT). Aries, ruled by the masculine energy of Mars, gives us a second chance to begin a new cycle with gusto. March 20, at the Spring Equinox, was our first opportunity, with the Sun moving into Aries beginning the new astrological year.

Along with the Mars influence there are two other interesting chart factors to consider this New Moon as we set our intention. One is a conjunction between Neptune and Chiron that sextiles (60 degree aspect) the Sun/Moon in Aries. Chiron is associated with the healing of past emotional wounds, and Neptune is all about dissolving and spiritualizing wherever it goes. Meanwhile Saturn is retrograde until the end of May. This always presents opportunity for inner work.

So while the Aries energy of the New Moon makes available a strong push for new projects and goals, it seems good to bear in mind the unseen factors that might be asking for acknowledgement. Often we must release the past before we can move forward with the ease and grace we would hope for.

One suggestion would be to look at the shadow side of Aries and first house issues: ego, power, control, a sense of entitlement, personal will. I happen to have the Chiron/Neptune conjunction sitting right on my Ascendant/Sun. With Saturn retrograde the situation is a clear invitation to release wounds and look at 1st house shadow issues.

With my move to Taos now on the near horizon I am all about moving forward with Aries speed and independence. At the same time these past several weeks have attracted opportunities to look deeper into myself. No doubt this is the Neptune/Chiron energy working to clear up residue from the past before my launch to Taos at the end of the month.

The Soul Speak card I made to honor this New Moon I named "Warrior Woman - Aries." In the foreground is an ancient stone carving of the Hindu Goddess, Durga--slayer of Demons. Behind her another amazing background from The Red Book, recently published art and writing by Carl Jung.

I wrote: "I speak for the Divine Feminine in her Warrior aspect. She is attuned to her Higher Self, to guidance from her 3rd and 4th chakras (her gut and her heart). From this place of inner balance she is sovereign in body, mind and spirit."

A recent poem:

Green Beauty

My dreams come in
with the dark moon.
They want to see
the woman sing
her full green beauty.

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