Soul Speak Cards

The collage art I use for each New Moon blog is chosen from my Soul Speak Oracle Cards.
This is a 44 card divination deck and booklet that can be purchased via my website. (see link in right column).

Monday, August 23, 2010

I don't usually post a blog here on the Full Moon but when I saw this August Full Moon was falling at 1 degree Pisces I couldn't resist. I had to honor a Full Moon that falls in my first house conjunct the Ascendant and my 3 degree Sun. Gotta love a gift when it comes right to you!

So I sat down today and made this Soul Speak card which tries to convey how Pisces might look from the inside, coming from one who lives there. I was recently doing some homework to prepare for an astrology reading for a friend who has Pisces rising and I was reminded that, like Gemini, Pisces is a dual sign.

We've all seen representations of the two fish tied together swimming in opposing directions. What it symbolizes is that a Pisces individual has two parts, her ego/personality and the Soul. So until she moves her center of gravity to the Soul part she is in for a rough ride. I represent identification with the ego/personality part with the detached head of a female statue at the bottom, done with her effort, at rest at the base of the lotus plant, down where the stems enter the fertile earth.

The lotus flower is an eastern cultural symbol of the potential of every human to experience themselves as one with the Divine--Enlightenment. And so our Pisces swimmer, operating close to her Inner Self part, is trusting her intuitions, listening for guidance and following the flow of events and trusting that what shows up has a gift for her.

As a representative of the Pisces tribe, I may not always do this, but it is my clear intention. Having your Sun in the 1st House conjunct the Ascendant does not always make this easy, as many of you who know me well can attest.

Looking at the chart for the Full Moon we are still seeing the Cardinal T-Square focused on Pluto. Transformation on the deepest instinctual levels and far beyond remembered time will continue to occur. Time to lighten up as much baggage as possible for what's ahead. Mercury went retrograde a couple of days ago and that can slow things down a bit. Good time to address old issues, so works well with the Pluto energy.

Of course, the Sun is in Virgo now and that is an abrupt mood changer from Leo and summer fun. I guess it fits well with school starting though. This morning a tennis friend of mine dropped her 3 and 5 year old boys off at pre-school for the first time. She admitted she shed a tear or two back in the car before driving off. Time to get serious.

Thanks again to Mayumi Odo for the "swimmer" and Kandinsky for his fish, used to collage my Pisces card. This is the second time I've used Odo's image. She has a lovely website you can google. I forgot to look up the link for you...

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